Mobility is something we often take for granted or mistake for flexibility (explained in another post).
Mobility training isn’t just stretching, nor does it have to be boring.
When I first started mobility training, I hated it for several reasons; I thought it was just stretching, not a proper workout, I was going backwards rather than forwards. Fast forward to now, I am grateful for incorporating into not just my training regime but also taking time out to work just on mobility. Yes, mobility training is also a workout!
Mobility can be used as part of your warmup; however it would be beneficial to incorporate & dedicate some focused time for it alone too to help you achieve deeper gains in your strength training.
Mobility training can highlight our problematic areas, areas where we may have limited range of movement or even injuries, hence why taking some time out to focus on mobility work can be so crucial & beneficial.
Lack of mobility can make us ‘feel broken’, stiff or old, when in fact, we’re just limited in our range of movement, & working on our mobility & staying consistent with it will help us feel significantly better. Remember, your only as old as you feel!